Saturday, March 31, 2007

Portfolio Of Different Web Designing And Web Hosting Companies

Here are the portfolies of different web design and web hosting companies providing the best web designing facilities to the users.

1WebSiteDesign Portofolio

1websitedesign is an uk based company proveding affordable web design and web hosting services featuring professional web design for your own business.With telent oriented designers
1website design makes your website a complete designing soloution for your own business.

Visit 1websitedesign

RGB Intractive Portfolio

At RGB Interactive we take great pride in giving each web site design client the best possible custom solution based on your needs. If you can imagine it, we can design it! Please visit these web sites online for more illustration. We have developed web sites for a wide range of industries, businesses, and organizations.

Visit RGB Interactive

Sims Design Web Design Portfolio

Sims design portolio shows the skills experience and knowledge the company has in order to design any type of website that your business may require.With your ideas and the company design skills the company had produce a modern,contemprary website design with the fuctionality that you require - all at an affordable price.

Visit Simsdesigns


StrateCOMM is the company providing proffesional web design and web hosting feature,s with solid reputation and expansive skill-set.The company consistantly dilevers creative web design soloutions that reflect the personality , needs , and vision of the client.The success of your online and offline branding, commmunications and marketing strategy is, and always be, our goal.

Visit StarteCOMM

NISA's Web Design Portfolio

You will have the choice of hundreds of predesigned website templates or unique website designs. We can make sure you can have a professional looking website developed in a fraction of the time, and at substantial savings.


1WebSiteDesign Portofolio

1websitedesign is an uk based company proveding affordable web design and web hosting services featuring professional web design for your own business.With telent oriented designers
1website design makes your website a complete designing soloution for your own business.

Visit 1websitedesign

Friday, March 30, 2007

Avioding From Getting Penalized By Search Engine

A look at search engine penelities what are they.

Cloaking or (Code Swapping)

The Process of submiting one thing to a search engine and displaying something else to the end user is called cloaking or (code swapping).
Sometimes a webpage is optimized for a pirticualar search engine or phrase, and then the page or code is swaped when an end user clicks on a search engine listing.This is done to simply hide the ugly text only page for that is more stylish.

Doorway Pages

Web pages that solely exist for the purpose of ranking well in the search engine results pages (SERPs). They are typically not part of the navigational structure of the website and can only be found if somone happends upon them from a search query.

Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing involves the repeated use of a word or phrase contained in a website in order to increase the page relevency.

Invisible Text

A teachnique where webmaster will use text which is repeatitve use of keywords,which is somwhere on the page usually (at the bottom of the page) and make the colour of the text same as the background of the page so as not to be seen by the average internet user.

Tiny Text

A method of hidding and stuffing words by setting the size of the text small such as 1pt or 2pt.

Page Spoofing/Meta Refresh/Redirection

A process in which page is devloped for a particular keyword or phrase and then some kind of redirection is used so the user cannot see the content of the page.Anyone clicking throught this page from it,s listing in a search engine will be automaticlly redirected to a different page.

Meta Tag Stuffing

A method in which webmasters place high traffic keyword,s in the meta tags of the page that are completly differnt from the content of the page in order to genrate more traffic.

Page Stuffing/Duplicate Pages

Where the same web page will be duplicated or slightly modified and then these variation,s are submited to the search engine.They assume that if the page is successful for a particualar keyword or phrase then all of it,s variation,s can dominate the search engine top listings.

Domain Spamming/Mirror Sites

Involves having the same exact website at different domains.

Linking To Other Sites That Are Under Penelty

This happens more with google and yahoo.Search engines understand that you do not have any control over someone linking to you.However when you link to what a search engine considers a "bad" site, that you do have control over and while it will not always generate a penalty, it can if it is abused.

Generating Pages For The Sole Purpose Of Adsense

In case you do not know, Adsense is a program Google developed for web site owners to allow Google Adwords to appear on their sites and earn a percentage of revenue. Adsense has taken
many qulity and informative sites that were formerly un-profitable and made them profitable. It earns Google profit as well because they have greater number of outlets to display their ads.
The problem is that some people are generating hundereds and sometimes even thousands of useless pages in order to generate more revenue.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Select a Domain Name that Reflects Your Web Site

Your domain name should reflect what your web site is all about. For example, if your web site is about Auction, you certainly wouldn’t want to select a domain name like ‘ You would want to select a domain name that tells the world what your web site is all about something like ‘’

Select a Domain Name that Contains Your Web Site’s Keywords

Another consideration of great importance is your keywords. Try to select a domain name that contains your most relevant keyword phrase because some Search Engines place relevancy on them. A keyword phrase is two or more words that best describe your web page. If your web page is focusing on low bids auction, your best keyword phrase will be “”

Select a Domain Name that will be Easily Remembered

With millions of web sites accessible on the Internet, it is also very important to select a domain name that will be easily remembered. As in the ‘’ example above, ‘’ is very easily remembered, contains the most relevant keyword phrase.

Select the Best Domain Extension

Another consideration of importance is the domain name extension. Although there are many new domain extensions available, dotcom is still the best choice. When typing in a web address, Internet users automatically want to type in a .com extension, since this is the extension that has been embedded into our brains from the start.

Avoid Using Numbers in Your Domain Name

Although you may be tempted to do so, avoid using numbers within your domain name. Including a number within your domain name can cause problems. When you tell someone your web address, you will continually have to tell them it’s a number and not the word. For example, if you selected a domain name like, if you were to tell someone your web address, they may try to type it as ‘’ instead of ‘’ This type of domain name can cause confusion.

Avoid using Dashes and Underscores in Your Domain Name

Although many people do it, don’t make the mistake of using dashes, underscores or any
other characters within your domain name that may cause confusion. When you will tell someone about your domain name, you have to say it like this: Unique dash Auction dot com.

Avoid Using Abbreviations within Your Domain Name

Although well-known companies, such as IBM, can get away with using abbreviations within their domain name, most companies can’t. As a rule, try to avoid using abbreviations or anything
that will be difficult for your visitors to remember. Not only will this cause confusion, but it can also cause your potential visitors to make spelling mistakes when trying to type in your
web address. Like you were saying me for have been missed and there may be some one will mistype it as

Avoid Using Long Domain Names

Although you may now register long domain names, it’s really not a good idea. Suppose I registered ‘’ and there will be happen to me that half the time I will type it How can I expect our potential visitors to remember it? Try to keep your domain name as short as possible.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why Do I Need Seo For My Site

If you have the very best professional looking website in the world and if nobody finds it it,s useless.
The use of effective SEO techniques will help potential visitors find your webpages when they do a web search on your relevent keyword/phrases in search engines.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO can be further devided into two part,s.

1.On Page Optimization
2.Off Page Optimization

Onpage opimization is the process in which various elements, or words containted in the web page are structred so that the search engine can easily index them.

Below is a list of onpage elements in which we have to focus for specific for Good ranking on good SERPs results:

  • How to select proper domain name.
  • How to select best keywords
  • Title of the page
  • Meta Tags
  • Interlinking
  • Contents
  • Body and Keywords
  • Text and Font Formating
  • Page Headlines
  • Alt Image Tag
  • Navigation
  • Sitemap
  • Optimize Each Pages
  • Sub Directory Name And Page Url

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What Is Page Rank

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm which assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the World Wide Web, with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance within the set. The algorithm may be applied to any collection of entities with reciprocal quotations and references. The numerical weight that it assigns to any given element E is also called the PageRank of E and denoted by PR(E).

PageRank was developed at Stanford University by Larry Page (hence the name Page-Rank[1]) and Sergey Brin as part of a research project about a new kind of search engine. The project started in 1995 and led to a functional prototype, named Google, in 1998. Shortly after, Page and Brin founded the company behind the Google search engine. While just one of many factors which determine the ranking of Google search results, PageRank continues to provide the basis for all of Google's web search tools.

The name PageRank is a trademark of Google. The PageRank process has been patented (U.S. Patent 6,285,999 ). The patent is not assigned to Google but to Stanford University.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What Is Seo

The word seo basically means (Search Engine Optimization).Now what a search engine really does is to list the site,s from all the related categories on the internet (e.g) i have a site about web design it will show the result,s of web design if the web design is in it,s search engine.
Now for a search engine as heavy as or as big as the Google is you want some keyword,s with which the user can search the site related to it,s topic.
Now if i put the keyword music it will give the result,s of web page,s that contain the keyword music or only music site,s and if i am more specific than i will write Indian music than it will be more specific than it will consider the result,s of Indian music on the first page and on the last few page,s these result,s are fewer.
Now (Optimization) dosen,t really make sense to me.Because it,s not specific or to be illiterate one can,t understand the word optimization.
So i would rather use the word boost rather than the optimization.
Because Google is the largest search engine in the world i think it,s from America because user,s are coming to their way more quickly than other search engine,s which are more beneficent than Google or yahoo.
So seo can be given a way to improve your visitor or search engine capacity on the other hand if u want to increase link,s u may not forget the link exchange formula it,s simple i put my link on my website and you put my link on the website.
Now if you are willing to be at top on the website scenario you would like to see some thing,s which are more focused these days on the web.
First of all if you willing to start on a new project you must see the content of the website.
Content means the body of the website the how links are arranged how the website look,s and so on.
The second one is the keyword that you use.Now keyword what really means is you give search engine a suggestion about what you think.For example if you give the search engine indian music, then it will give the all the result,s of the site,s related to indian music.
Arslan Hassan